
A busy week at Slate HQ

Firstly we must apologize for the lack of action on our blog of late. We have been rather busy at Slate HQ and we always like to dedicate our time to our clients rather than keeping our blog in tow. So with out further a-do (cue drum roll and trumpets) here are the websites we have been dedicating our time to…

Global Partners & Associates

A new shiny website for a company who works in numerous countries across the world to promote democratic politics, effective governance and human rights. Our task was to break up the heavy amounts of text from the previous site in to manageable bite-size pieces. As well as bringing a modern touch.

Carne Contracts Ltd

A completely new site accompanied with full company branding. The site had to be elegant and clean with strong bold imagery to reflect the brilliant work that Carne do. The identity needed to give off a sense of professional and experinced solidity as well as being instantly recognisable.

Catherine Pellegrino and Associates

Catherine Pellegrino and Associates Literary Agency represents children’s writers of quality fiction from early years through to young adults. The key part of this design was the bookshelf that shows of the authors books. A fun design that represents the authors personalities yet still keeping an air of professionalism.

Posted: October 2011

Author: Slate

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